Frequently Asked Questions

  • At this time, we only accept Lyra Health insurance. If you have a PPO and would like to use your health insurance to see us as “out-of-network providers,” we can provide “superbills” for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. In our experience, clients have been able to be reimbursed at high rates (generally between 50% - 70%), but we recommend clarifying this with your insurance carrier.

  • We accept Venmo, check, or credit card payments at the time of service.

  • Our availability for psychotherapy services can change from week to week. When we have an opening, we can schedule an appointment with you within one week. However, we recommend that you reach out to us directly to see if we currently have availability.

  • Psychotherapy, also called therapy or talk therapy, can help people with a wide-range of concerns and struggles. Therapy is not about “just talking things out,” but involves exploring how certain patterns, thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and relationships are impacting your life. It is an opportunity to examine areas in which you may feel stuck and move towards a life full of vitality.

  • We know that it can sometimes feel scary or overwhelming to come in for an appointment and to meet someone you do not know yet. We strive to create an open, comfortable, and warm place for us to get to know each other. At the beginning of the session, we will review HeartWork’s consent form. A consent form explains HeartWork’s general policies, your rights, and the limits of confidentiality. Hence, this is an agreement between you and HeartWork before we start psychotherapy. From there, we will start discussing what brings you to treatment and what are your treatment goals. The first session is often called an “Intake Session” because we will ask you questions about your experience and areas of struggle, so we can start to offer support, strategies, and tools for moving forward.

  • In psychotherapy, we meet with teens (14+) and adults. For assessments, we test children (8+), teens, and adults.

  • We try to schedule the first appointment within 2-4 weeks from our phone conversation. The feedback session, where we provide you with the results and a copy of our report, is typically scheduled 2-3 weeks after all of the testing has been completed.

  • We are 100% paperless. We keep all of your Personal Health Information (PHI) on a secure, confidential platform called TheraNest. Through the TheraNest platform, we will ask you to create a Client Portal, where you can complete any intake forms, view your upcoming sessions, pay invoices, and message us directly.

  • Dr. Hooks and Dr. Plambeck are licensed clinical psychologists who have each spent over 10 years training and working within the mental health system. Both Drs. Hooks and Plambeck completed doctorate programs and trained at American Psychological Association accredited internship programs, which is the highest ranking for an internship program. They each completed over 5,000 clinical hours during graduate school and earned their licenses after passing both national and state licensing examinations.

  • Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly and we will get back to you within two business days.

We offer a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation